1. Provide your name, major, year in school (sophomore, junior, etc).
  2. My name is Jefferson Duan, and I am a junior majoring in Communication Design.

  3. Tell me a bit about your background and what prompted you to take this class.
  4. I want to go into the Interaction Design tract of my major, and I understand that this class is a good way to test the waters and see if I'm really cut out for it.

  5. Do you have any experience with HTML/CSS/JS? If so, tell me a bit about it.
  6. I have very little experience with HTML or CSS. I do have computer science as a minor so I am decently familiar with JavaScript.

  7. Name one thing you hope to learn in this class.
  8. To learn how to make web elements move in dynamic ways. Essentially animation, but in an interactive context.

  9. Name one way you expect designing for screen to be different from designing for paper.
  10. Designing for paper is very physical. You draw something by physically...drawing it. You ask yourself questions like 'how should I organize these elements?'. While these questions are also important in designing for a screen, I feel that they will also be overshadowed by the question 'how will I code this?'. Furthermore, I will have to account for the more interactive nature that a screen lends itself to.

  11. Provide a link to a website you think exemplifies effective design. Explain your choice.
  12. I feel that https://www.jarodragon.com is fairly effective in it's purpose as a portfolio website. Structured like a gallery, the website tailors itself to a cursory viewing experience that also allows for closer inspection. Small things like the fact that you can navigate back to home or any other category from each category also make for nice touches.

  13. Provide a link to a website you think exemplifies effective communication. Explain your choice.
  14. While the browser version of https://www.webtoons.com/en/ isn't exactly optimized for different window sizes on desktop, I feel it still does a good job of communicating what kind of site/brand Webtoons is. Cycling banner images and the daily preview images that are organized by their upload schedule indicate the sheer breadth of the Webtoons library. The site knows its priorities are to encourage creators and promote its mobile platform, and it establishes these accordingly.

  15. Provide a link to a website you think works well. Explain your choice.
  16. A website that 'works well' allows for a rather broad interpretation, so from personal preference I really enjoy the cinematic experiences provided by websites like https://nostos.163.com. The site knows it's style and aesthetic well, and does a good job of creating a unique ambience with the small animations littered throughout. All of this 'works well' as an advertisement for an upcoming VR game. I would really like to make a website like this one.